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Can I use a network license across different locations?

Lizenzmodul » Can I use a network license across different locations? Posted: 23. August 2016 - 14:50

A basic distinction is made between three different license types:

  1. Local license – this license type authorizes the use of CONVAL on a single,local computer. This local license is allowed to be passed on within the customer's company for the purpose of execution on another computer and use by one of the customer's employees.
  2. Network license bound to a specific location – this license type authorizes the simultaneous use of CONVAL in a local area network (i.e.bound to a specific location) of the customer's company on exactly the number of computer systems for which licenses have been purchased.
  3. Global license – this license type authorizes the simultaneous use of CONVAL for an unlimited period of time in a global network (i.e.not bound to a specific location) of the customer's company on exactly the number of computer systems for which licenses have been purchased.
