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Flow coefficient

Allgemeine Diskussion » Flow coefficient Posted: 9. December 2024 - 11:25



My client requested to add a value for the flow coefficient of 1,7 [US GPM/psi]

I just want to be sure if the checked box (unitless value) as indicated in the screenshot represents the requested unit by client, or that we have to interpreted it otherwise.




Andreas Vogt

Andreas Vogt's picture


Posted: 10.01.2025 - 16:43


The flow coefficient C from the restriction orifice calculation is not the flow coefficient Cv (or Kv)  for control valves. It is a proportionality constant based on the differential pressure flow calculation, as it can be found in the standard ISO 5167 for example.


In the restriction orifice plate module, an approximate calculated value of Cv is displayed in the section ‘More calculated values’, see below.