Multilingual version (English, German, Chinese, Russian)
The CONVAL Service Release 11.5 provides the following improvements:
- Minor improvements and fixes for stability issues
- Improved appearance when scaling for high-resolution screens
- Extended update check: In addition to device and fluid data, export templates and templates for calculation information are also checked and updated if necessary.
- The function for sending calculations as e-mail attachments has been revised.
- Improvements to printing of calculations with notes and comments
Control Valves
- Improved calculation of valve inlet pressure at operating conditions near the phase boundary
- Corrections in the calculation of the outlet conditions of valves with small pressure ratings
- Improved estimation of the valve characteristic value Fd and thus the sound prediction for low-noise valves for which no measured data are available
- When calculating the flow rate, the stroke position can now be specified as an alternative to the Cv/Kv value.
- The stroke in inch or mm can now be specified as an alternative when using lift stoppers for valves from the database.
- The dependence graphs of the parameters of the 2nd and 3rd working points partly gave no result.
Steam Cooling Valves
- Small improvements in the verification of input parameters
Actuator Forces of Control Valves
- Support of leakage class IV-S1 according to IEC 60534-4
Differential Pressure Flow Elements
Restriction Orifice Plates
- Minor improvements and fixes for stability issues in the calculation of multi-stage structures
- Revised calculation of outlet conditions and outlet pipe for gases and vapors
- Improvements in checking the limits of use for valves with threaded or clamped connections
Pressure Relief Valve Database
- Improvements in the import of valves with back pressure curve
- Correction of errors when editing solutions
- Extensive revision of approx. 300 substances
- Minor improvements
- Improvements in entering new materials with clipboard support
- The SI-unit of parameters could not be changed by the setting the name of the unit.
The CONVAL Service Release 11.4.1 provides the following improvements:
- Fixes for stability issues
Control Valves
- The selection of valves from the database with different inlet and outlet size caused the program to crash in some cases.
Differential Pressure Flow Elements
- The selection of flow meters from Rosemount with special design caused the program to crash in rare cases.
- When calculating humid gases, in some cases the mass flow rate qm was not displayed.
The CONVAL Service Release 11.4.0 provides the following improvements:
- Minor improvements and fixes for stability issues
- Revised help system
- New: Graphics can be copied directly to the clipboard
- New: Navigation in tables with the Enter key optionally horizontally instead of vertically
Actuated Valves
- Revised user interface and new data sheets according to ISO 5115 and WIB RP S 2812-X-19
- Support of electric actuators with torque brake
- Minor display issues in the selection dialog for electric actuators have been fixed.
- Revised check of the stall torque of electric actuators
Control Valves
- Minor improvements and fixes to stability issues.
- Improved sound prediction for valves with two phase flow at inlet
- Improved sound prediction for low-noise valves not provided with all measured valve factors
- New: Calculation of the flange internal diameters as a function of the pressure rating
Differential Pressure Flow Elements
- Minor improvements and fixes
- The flow meter calculation according to ISO 5167 has been updated to the 2022 edition.
- The flow meter calculation according to ISO 9300 has been updated to the 2022 edition.
- New: Calculation of wet gas in orifices, Venturi tubes, and cone meters according to:
- ISO/TR 11583:2012 "Measurement of wet gas flow by means of pressure differential devices inserted in circular cross-section conduits".
- ISO/TR 12748:2015 "Natural gas - Wet gas flow measurement in natural gas operations".
- New: It is now possible to enter the diameter ratio ß as an alternative to entering the throttle orifice d.
- New: Sound prediction for all orifice type meters based on IEC 60534-8-3 or IEC 60534-8-4
- New: Input option for carrier rings for orifice plates with corner pressure tapping
- Revised calculation of Rosemount 1595 multi-hole orifice plates and 1195 integral orifice plates
- The calculation of the expansion coefficient ε of wedge flowmeters according to R. W. Miller was erroneously carried out according to ISO 5167-6.
Restriction Orifice Plates
- Minor improvements and fixes for stability issues
Pipe Wall Thickness
- Minor improvements
- Strength calculation according to API 521 has been updated to the 2020 edition.
- New: Suggestion of the matching schedule for the calculated wall thickness of ANSI pipelines
Pressure Relief Valves
- Minor improvements and fixes for stability issues
- Consideration of high viscosity media (small Reynolds numbers) with all calculation standards
- In addition to the sound power level, the sound pressure level is now calculated as well.
- New: Support of open discharge relief valves
- Revised pressure-temperature curves for cast iron according to EN 1092-2
Rupture Discs
- Minor improvements and fixes for stability issues.
- Consideration of high viscosity media (small Reynolds numbers) with all calculation standards
Level Calibration
- The density of the media in the legs was not always calculated.
Export Function
- An issue with exporting and sending calculations as PDF document has been fixed.
- Improved support of formulas in user-defined fields
Substance Database
- A bug with copying solutions is fixed.
Relief Valve Database
- Improved import of data in Excel format with extended plausibility check
Material Database
- Minor improvements and data maintenance
The CONVAL Service Release 11.3 provides the following improvements:
- Minor improvements and fixes for stability issues
- Revised management of formulas with access to parameters of calculation in user-defined fields
- Revised help system
- Improved window handling
Actuated Valves
- Minor improvements and fixes
- Support of breakaway torques in open and closed position
- Revision and extension of the databases for valves and actuators
Control Valves
- Minor improvements and fixes to stability issues.
- Option for safety-related application
- Revised user interface for valves with stroke or rotation angle limitation
- Improved handling of valves for liquids at flashing conditions or liquids with dissolved gases
- Improved support for rotary valves with low-noise trims
- Consideration of kinetic energy in the calculation of downstream resistances (only in combination with the thermodynamics module)
Steam Cooling Valves
- Revised user interface
- Consideration of the pressure drop at the injection nozzle
Differential Pressure Flow Elements
- Minor improvements in the calculation of the flow coefficient C for Venturi tubes for small and large Reynolds numbers
- Revised calculation of limits for pipe roughness
- Calculation for drain holes according to ISO/TR 15377:2018 for all types of orifice plates
- Strength calculation for orifice plates according to ISO/TR 9464
- Inclusion of GOST 8.586 (ISO 5167 mod) in the list of available calculation standards
Restriction Orifice Plates
- Minor improvements and fixes for stability issues
- Consideration of kinetic energy in the calculation of multistage configurations (only in connection with the thermodynamics module)
Pipe Wall Thickness
- Strength calculation according to API 521:2014 - A.
Pressure Relief Valves and Rupture Discs
- Minor improvements and fixes for stability issues.
- Inclusion of ASME BPVC-XIII:2021 in the list of available calculation standards
- Calculation of two-phase flow by direct integration according to API 520 or ISO 4126-10
If CONVAL provides thermodynamic equations of state for the selected medium, the calculation of the mass flow can be derived by integration from the inlet to the narrowest flow cross-section of the nozzle.
Shell-and-tube Heat Exchangers
- Corrected calculation of the minimum shell diameter for multiple pass heat exchangers
Export Function
- Minor improvements and fixes for stability issues
- Improved user interface for creating export templates with error checking and hints on possible issues
- The unit of parameters can be predefined in the export templates
- Selection of regional format for decimal separator, date and time in CONVAL language settings
- Support of formulas in user-defined fields with access to parameters of the calculation
The CONVAL Service Release 11.2 provides the following improvements:
- Minor improvements and fixes for stability issues
- Minor adjustments for improved Windows 11 experience
- Improved appearance when scaling for high-resolution screens
- Revised help system
- NEW: Support of formulas in user-defined fields with access to parameters of the calculation
- Improved compatibility when loading old calculations from CONVAL versions 5 and 6
- Sporadic problems with the visualization of Chinese characters are solved
- Improved export of graphics to various image formats
- Selection of regional format for decimal separator, date and time in CONVAL language settings
- Minor inconsistencies in the handling of mixtures are fixed.
- Import and export of mixtures according to AGA 8 and GERG 2008 standards
- Minor improvements in connection with export templates in Excel format
- Update of the licensing software. Problems with handling licenses for cloud licenses are fixed.
Actuated Valve
- Many improvements and fixes of stability problems
- NEW: Design and selection of electric actuators
- Revised actuator database for pneumatic actuators
- Support of a second breakaway angle for open position for automated valves
- Improved import function for Scotch-Yoke actuators specifying the angle for the running torque
- Improved import function for valve torques that already include a safety margin
- Extended export templates
Control Valve
- Minor improvements and fixes to stability issues.
- Corrections in checking the maximum cavitation index recommended by the valve manufacturer
- Corrections in the evaluation of sound level corrections specified by the manufacturer
- Revised control valve database
- Revised export templates for calculations with two-phase flow
Differential Pressure Flow Element
- Minor improvements
- Corrections in the extended uncertainty calculation near the phase boundary
- Calculation of the position of the vena contracta for additional orifice types
Restriction Orifice Plate
- Minor improvements and fixing of issues in the calculation of multistage configurations
- Improved check of possible pipe damage in case of gases and vapors
- Extension of the valid input range for the hole diameter d
Pressure Relief Valve
- Minor improvements and fixes of stability problems
- Correction of noise prediction according to ISO 4126-9 and API 521
Material Database
- Minor improvements and fixes of stability problems
COM Server
- Timing issues when starting the CONVAL COM server are fixed.
The CONVAL Service Release 11.1 provides the following improvements:
- Display issues with scaling for high-resolution screens have been fixed.
- Problems with opening multiple calculations via the Open dialog have been fixed.
- Search for Chinese substance and material names is now supported.
- Extended option to control the printout of calculations by sections
- In the database programs, Excel data sheets with formulas are supported during import.
- Improved client setup at network installation fixes problems with accessing the help function
- Occasional issues when opening calculations with gas or liquid mixtures have been fixed.
- Improved print preview via Microsoft WebView2 instead of Internet Explorer with PDF plugin
Actuated Valve
- Minor improvements and fixes of stability problems
- Specifying multiple flanges for valves and actuators is supported by the database.
- When specifying valves in the database, an additional user-defined identifier can be assigned.
- The minimum air pressure required for the valve torques is displayed in the actuator selection.
- In addition to scotch yoke and rack and pinion actuators, diaphragm and vane actuators are now supported.
Control Valve
- Minor improvements and fixes of stability problems
- Display issues in the piping selection dialog have been fixed.
Differential Pressure Flow Element
- Minor improvements
- Revised uncertainty calculation for pitot tubes. The Uncertainty of the pipe diameter was not sufficiently considered in the overall uncertainty calculation.
Restriction Orifice Plate
- Minor improvements and fixes of stability problems
- Revised calculation of multi-stage single-hole orifices at very high Mach numbers.
Details about other improvements and error corrections can be found on the download page in the version history and in the known bugs section.
The service release can be downloaded free of charge.