Equations of State
Temperature Range: 90 K => 673 K Max. Pressure: 900 MPa
Reference equation of state for the thermodynamic properties of fluid phase n-butane and isobutane.D. Bücker, W. Wagner
Temperature Range: 100 K => 1000 K Max. Pressure: 2 MPa - 60 MPa
The transport properties of ethaneS. Hendl, J. Millat, E. Vogel, V. Vesovic, W.A. Wakeham, J. Luettmer-Stratmann, J.V. Sengers und M.J. Assael
Thermal conductivity
Temperature Range: 90 K => 600 K Max. Pressure: 70 MPa
Thermophysical properties of ethaneD.G. Friend, H. Ingham und J.F. Ely