Equations of State
Temperature Range: 195.5 K => 600 K Max. Pressure: 1000 MPa
Eine neue Fundamentalgleichung für AmmoniakR. Tillner-Roth, F. Harms-Watzenberg, H.D. Baehr
Temperature Range: 195.5 K => 700 K Max. Pressure: 1000 MPa
The viscosity of ammoniaA. Fenghour, W.A. Wakeham, V. Vesovic, J.T.R. Watson, J. Millat und E. Vogel
Thermal conductivity
Temperature Range: 195.5 K => 700 K Max. Pressure: 1000 MPa
Thermal conductivity of Ammonia in a large temperature and pressure range including the critical regionR. Tufeu, D.Y. Ivanov, Y. Garrabos und B. Le Neindre